7th October: exposition’s promenade
Expo / Music / Performance / Meeting / Video / Arbo-TV ...
N°1 / PARC JOURDAN : 14h-16h / free - avenue du Parc, Aix-en-Provence
« Si Poteris Narrare, Licet » Jean Michel Bruyère [Fr] for the iCinéma of Jeffrey Shaw [Au] (2002) / www.epidemic.net/geo/art/jmb/.
Design and realization : Jean Michel Bruyère / Music - voices : Thierry Arredondo / 3D : Patrick Sanoli / Sound : Jean Luc d’Aléo / Production : Epidemic, ZKM (Institute for Visual Media), LFK La fabriks, CICV Pierre Schaeffer / Co-production : Théâtre du Merlan, festival Exit-Maison des Arts de Créteil, Festival Via – Le Manège Scène nationale de Maubeuge, Fournos Center Art and New technologies, Athènes .
Monumental work produced by the ZKM (digital Center of Art in Germany), i-cinema is a revolutionary technology developed by the artist Jeffrey Shaw, who aims at setting up an interactive cinema, unique in its creative characteristics and its possibilities. Jean Michel Bruyère is the first to take up the challenge through this tool by making the film « If poteris Narrare Licet », projected in 360° on an inflatable dome. A Spectator selects glances of a part of the visible film. Thus the whole film appears of chosen pieces, and is held in a subjective way.
«Le Solar Sound System» Dtb2 /
Solar Sound System - 3S - is a sound system and turntable module, which functions with direct solar energy or with batteries charged with solar energy. Adapting to various configurations, with constraints and energy requirements, the 3S is a dis-mountable, flexible and itinerant support. Several artists will accompany this module: Dj Ip@Bip_Hop (www.bip-hop.com).
« KaskPam » Lydwine Van der Hulst [Fr].
Co-production : Lydwine Van der Hulst et City Sonic / Collaboration with Locus Sonus.
« Aquastic » dive in the Port of Strasbourg. In « KaskPam » a sound environment is diffused, collected at the Port. It is a « stream » with individual listening. The bringing together of sounds in both places creates a new space, au-tonomous and phantasmagoric. Musical interludes will slip in as meeting/ concerts « importation and exportation aimed ».
« Lumière : une histoire d’esthétique et de politique ». Émission publique Radio Grenouille à 14h30 (www.grenouille888.org).
Grenouille radio station renews its collaboration with the Arborescence festival, by presenting a series of special broadcasts. This year edition of the festival will be the occasion to explore the topic of light. Light is at the centre of all history of art as is at the centre of emerging technologies in artistic creation, but also relates directly to our society’s stake linked to energies.
N°2 / CHAPELLE DES PENITENTS BLANCS: 16h-17h / free - rue Maréchal Joffre, Aix-en-Provence
« 7 Fuites du Paysage » Jean Michel Bruyère [Fr] / Year of Cézanne 2006 / Installation / www.epidemic.net/geo/art/jmb/.
This installation does not belong to any well defined category of Art discipline. For more than fifteen years, the myth of the Actéon perdition has been the only « world explanation » that Jean Michel Bruyère acknowledges. Surprised in her bath on the heights of Gargaphie by Actéon, Diane, according to Ovide, said to the young hunter: « go and tell people that you saw me without my veil. If you can say it, I authorize it - Si Poteris Narrare, Licet ». Cynical words for a cynical end, because at the same moment, she transforms Actéon into a stag and abandons him, in this form, to the reaction of his pack - fifty hunting dogs, fiercely and unrelentingly, devouring him and dispersing his remains…
Meeting by Pierre Bongiovanni : « C.A.T.C.H = Cybernetic Art Tech-nology Culture Highway ». Where the subject to be discussed is things that worry durably, equitably and jointly experts, curators, the public, artists and inspectors of things of the art, technology, the news and good taste.
N°3 / CHAPELLE DU SACRE COEUR: 17h-18h / Free - 20 rue Lacépède, Aix-en-Provence
« Venir de » Julien Oppenheim [Fr] / Year Cézanne 2006 / www.julienoppenheim.com.
Julien explores Cézanne’s loving fascination for the mountain, Sainte-Victoire. « To explore what binds us to a place, at a place, the founding place. Give to see the physical relationship to a place, the relationship to the ground, to the stone, to the trees. Feeling our breath changing by coming into contact with the place, feeling our own body going inside the place, touching it. To be inside, inside the place, to collect its power. The power of the place that I come from ». Photographic work mixing sound and image over several seasons, to get the multiplicity of the place and to explore in frag ments all the elements that make the solid mass « J’ai envie de Sainte- Victoire » diptych. Two films are presented on two screens, side-by-side. One from the approach of the solid mass, the camera stuck to the subject in an urgent desire, the other from a distance, until the mountain completely disappears.
N°4 / 3 BIS F LIEU D’ARTS CONTEMPORAINS: 18h-20h / free - 109 avenue du petit Barthélémy, Aix-en-Provence.
« Colour Planes » de Scanner [Uk] / Year Cézanne 2006 / Installation / www.scannerdot.com.
Th is project explores an idea of landscape and the resonance and meaning of your surroundings. Using the Provence countryside as its inspirational focal point, the images and sound have been dist illed into an imaginary narrative, woven into a work that breaks down the visual fi eld into planes of colour and texture. Th is contemplative work charts a contemporary reading of Cezanne and his visionary eye.
« Locus Sonus »
(2006) / www.locusonus.org.
Locus Sonus is a research group specialized in audio art (school Art of Aix-en-Provence, School Art of Nice « Villa Arson »). Our object ive is to experiment and evaluate the innovative and transdisciplinary nature of audio art forms in a lab-type context. We are are also concerned with in the communal, collect ive or multi-user aspect s inherent to many emerging audio practices and which necessitate working as a group.
N°5 / ESPACE SEXTIUS: 20h-21h / Free - rue du 11 novembre, Aix-en-provence.
« WhiteLightinMultiplication » du collectif Afterfour [It] / (2005) / www.afterfour.it
WhiteLightinMultiplication » is made up of interactive sound and light sculptures. « White- LightinMultiplication » presents a musical group called « Afterfour (FF) », which gives up the fact of performing in public (live concert). Only the plastic and visual element remains to become a live sculpture which starts playing when visitors come near it. This installation is exposed within the framework of the return of the international artists of the « Biennial des jeunes Createurs » of the Mediterranean area and Europe, (Naples 2005).
« À la recherche du temps perdu » Mohamed H. Youssef and Sharif El Sayed [Eg] 2006 Arbo-Med / Un espace interactif et multimédia. Partners ZINC/ECM /Terre Active with the project Arbo’Med.
Like an emerging light, neglected details, in the obscure part of our memory... Between reality and virtuality, we are present and perhaps not. Our project consists of creating this artificial environment of facts and discovering reaction to these facts. In this space where darkness reigns upon every object, spectators walk gently towards a table set in the middle of the room. A candlestick creating a soft light allows us to see the dishes, glasses, the cups, the water bottle... All these objects are connected to sensors, which translate the gestures of the raising objects.
« Beyond 6821 » Artificiel [Ca] / (2004) / www.artificiel.org.
« Beyond 6821 » uses the bulb as a source of sound. Both an installation and an instrument, the bulbs as a whole are articulated in such way that they draw acoustic echoes as well as light. This installation’s particularity lies in the use of audio signals to light bulbs. Instead of regular electric power, « sounds » (in their analogical electric form) are distributed in the bulbs, which become loudspeakers with a fragile sonority.
" dots. that’s what we need ! " gilles conan[fr] /(2004). partnership with numeriscausa
this installation invites the spectator to step deep into a dark space where he will gradually perceive a light source. the light emanates from an electronic chromatic device that creates a shifting composition using braille both as a graphic base and as a symbolic mise-en-abîme of the digital. this creative process can be defined as a ’music of light ’ and, handling language that way, leads to different levels of interpretation, reserving also accesses to the poor-sighted and the non-sighted. gilles conan has been interested in stage lighting in the context of modern dance since 1998. he presented his first piece in december 2004 for superflux ( fête des lumières , lyon ). in 2006, jean-marc bustamante invited him to participate in his exhibition -beautifuldays- at the kunsthaus in bregenz. he cosigned with him ’ dispersion ’, a light installation on the four facades of the austrian center for contemporary art.
N°6 / ECOLE SUPERIEURE D’ART: 21h-21h / Free - Rue Émile Tavan, Aix-en-provence.
« Perpetual (Tropical) Sunshine » Fabric [Sw] / Installation générative (2005) / www.fabric.ch.
With « Perpetual (Tropical) Sunshine », the School of Art of Aix-en-Provence, switches hemispheres and offers heat and large sun. On a screen made up of 300 infra-red bulbs, the sun’s position is reproduced in real time thanks to the information transmitted by a weather station network located on the tropic of Capricorn. Spectators can thus permanently follow the sun race: an abstract form of a day and of an endless summer, around the world, through longitudes and time zones.
« Forêt » de Julien Hô Kim and Guillaume Stagnaro [Fr] 2006 / www.44100.org / www.010175.net.
Composed of ten sound and luminous trees, the piece is presented to explore and test - a sound, simulated and autonomous space - put in relation to physical space and the visitor presence. The trees are stems of metal set on the ground, maintained in a fragile vertical balance - without contact - by the magnetization of suspended loudspeakers. By a hand gesture, the visitor interacts with the work...
« Cubing » Artificiel [Ca] / (2006)/
With « Cubing », Artificiel explores a possible universe of correspondences between color and sound. Handling simple Rubik’s® cubes in front of small cameras activates a chain of analysis, synthesis and digital processing. Each Rubik’s® cube becomes an instrument easy to handle intuitively, however precisely.
"V-Scratch" [Sw] / www.v-scratch.net.
V-scratch develops an original concept of « visual scratch ». At the time of his diploma project at the University of Art & Design of Lausanne, V-scratch alias Valerio Spoletini imag-ined a system which offers the possibility to transcribe the ele-ments which composed a scratch in visual elements. Valerio Spoletini transforms with enchantment on large screen, Claudio Spoletini’s scratch, a very gifted technician of scratch.
"Solar Sound System" de Dtb2 with Biomix Sound System and Niköll.
« Le manège » studients of LOEIL [Fr] / www.ecole-art-aix.manege / 2006
The « manège » is an experimentation resulting from a concept of artistic carrousel mixing performance, rotation of light and video « One would swear that all this effervescence will end up the crew taking off, that the « manège » will tear off the ground any minute leaving gelatinous traces of its passage on Earth...
« Centaure Machine » Théâtre du Centaure [Fr] / extract from the show "Cargo" (2005). coproduction with l’Institut Français, Fès-Meknès (Maroc), Printemps des Comédiens at Montpellier, Centre des Arts du Cirque at Basse Normandie, Centre Culturel Agora, Boulazac.
With partenership with Ministère de la Culture DMDTS, DRAC Paca, Marseille, Département of Bouches-du-Rhône, Région of Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur, Ministère des Affaires Etrangères et l’AFAA, Haras Nationaux. Centre Equestre Pastré de la ville de Marseille.
With : Centaure : Manolo et Yudishtira / Films : Camille / Sound : Nicolas Lespagnol-Rizzi / Light : Pascale Bongiovanni / Video : Emilie Fouilloux.
The Centaur’s theatre is directed by Camille and Manolo, since 1989, it develops a unique artistic adventure to create a creature half animal, half human: the Centaur.
« Invisible landscape » Collectif Dardex & Mort2faim [Fr] / http://dardex.free.fr / www.mort2faim.com. Collectif Dardex & Mort2faim : Quentin Destieu, Stéphane Kyles, Sylvain Huguet, Romain Senatore.
This multi-media installation is proposing environmental thoughts on the topic of waves which surround us. This installation ex-plores the nature of invisible forces, their impact as perceptible energies on human body and its environment.
« Le mérite » and « Where is the truth ? » Syméon Fieulaine [Fr]
« Le mérite » is the space setting of a scene on the topic of the migration. The goal is to be useful for art, to inform our consideration about citizens’ topics. « Where is the truth? » questions our relationship with « truth ». By linking writing, secrecy, and light, it sails between the mystic and politics, raising the question of the existence of a truth in front of the multiplicity of points of view.
« Play Along » Régis Cotentin [Fr] / Sound : Scanner & Jean-Paul Dessy with Ensemble Musiques Nouvelles /Scanner (électroniques) / Durée : 30 minutes. Un CD audio Scanner / JP Dessy Play along est sorti en 2005 chez Sub Rosa (Bruxelles) / Production : Transcultures, Musiques Nouvelles, avec le soutien du Festival MIA.
This film reveals the intimate history of a man who tries to find the woman that he loves, by shaping her with images, and who metamorphoses her in order to subject her to his will.
« Installations 2000 / 2004 » Claude Lévêque [Fr] / Annexia www.annexia-net.com.
Arborescence gives Annexia a video free hand. A journey through ephemeral installations by French artist Claude Lévêque (created between 2000 and 2004).
Co-production : MAMCO de Genève et le Carré de Château-Gontier / Realization : Armand Morin, 2004 / Distribution : Les Presses du Réel. Format DV.
« Beautiful losers » Tracks / Arte. www.arte.tv.
In a world where everything can be bought and everything can be sold, the beautiful losers don’t have anything to lose. They take all the risks, refuse the plans of career, give the impression of being mad but, all things considered, they invent the world of tomorrow.
« Paysages » Vidéoformes / www.videoformes.com.
« Pont-Croix » Nicolas Barrié (2005) [Fr]« La carte postale » Jean & Pierre Villemin (2005) [Fr] « Survey » John Fillwalk (2003) [Us] « Triptych » Robert Arnold (2000) [Us]« Unicode » V. Dudouet, A. Kaplan, D. Jaquot (2004) [Fr].
« Video game » Edv / www.edvdistribution.com. « Tableaux 1,2,3,4 » Michael Fournier (2001) [Fr]« Invaders 1,2 ,3 » Christophe Blanc (2002) [Fr]